The Alpha Alloy Edition Two – Man Mode
The Alpha Alloy Edition Two
The Alpha Alloy Edition Two
The Alpha Alloy Edition Two
The Alpha Alloy Edition Two
The Alpha Alloy Edition Two

The Alpha Alloy Edition Two

£33.99 Sale price
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For your consideration Man Mode presents The Alpha Alloy Edition Two.
Part 2 of 3 from the Alpha Alloy Range.
As mentioned before, two heads are generally better than one. More ideas, more energy, more possibilities and importantly, more freedom. Hence the importance of variety. The same can be said for materials. An alloy can be designed to be whatever aesthetic the mind can conjure. In this case we have an aluminium highly oxidised to the extent of becoming jet black, fused with silica to produce our catalogue's first multi-functional headphone stand. Featuring a conveniently soft domed base perfect for holding trinkets and an adjustable height support bar to set whichever way you choose. Of course the Edition Two will provide protection from all manner of interferences that scratch, scuff, wear and dull your expensive (or inexpensive) "wearable amplification devices" too. Apart from the above, we're sure you'll agree this is most maturely designed offering offering across the catalogue.

Kind Regards


Product Info

Type: Single Hold Headphone Stand
 Oxidised Aluminum, Silica

Size: 25cm x 9.6cm
Additional Feature: Adjustable Height