The Wisdom in Wood Edition One – Man Mode
The Wisdom in Wood Edition One
The Wisdom in Wood Edition One
The Wisdom in Wood Edition One
The Wisdom in Wood Edition One
The Wisdom in Wood Edition One

The Wisdom in Wood Edition One

£34.99 Sale price
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For your consideration Man Mode presents The Wisdom in Wood Edition One.
Part 1 of 2 from the Wisdom in Wood Range. 
Age inevitably brings experience. Experience, otherwise known as wisdom can be seen externally as the ravage of time. On the face, in the mind, or in this case the grain of a piece of wood. However, wood shows its age in ways that looks so stunning we have come to embrace it, treat it, polish it and fashion it into all kinds of shapes and forms. In this case we present the wisdom of wood in an odd shape. One that perfectly supports and showcases your expensive (or inexpensive) head cans, and protects them from interferences that scratch, scuff, wear and dull your "wearable amplification devices" Additionally, when you're not using the Edition One, its a piece of art in it's own right. 

Product Info

Material: Carbon, Walnut 
Type: Single Hold Headphone Stand
Size: 25cm x 15cm x 11.5cm
Weight: 0.57kg