The Trapezoide Crystal Single Cigar Tray – Man Mode
The Trapezoide Crystal Single Cigar Tray
The Trapezoide Crystal Single Cigar Tray

The Trapezoide Crystal Single Cigar Tray

Regular price £79.99 Sale price £59.99
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For your consideration Man Mode presents The Trapezoide Crystal Single Cigar Ashtray.
If we were only going to offer you one single hold cigar tray if would have to be something pretty special. In true Man Mode fashion it would have to be forged from wood, steel, Leather or Glass. Well, leathers out of the question, Wood hmm done that. Steel? possibly. Glass? could do, but then there's the shatter risk. Unless of course we go above and beyond for our patrons and brake the mould? Enter centre-stage Crystal! Of course! If it's good enough for Jor-El to carry the hopes, legacy & total knowledge of his entire race then surely its good enough to hold your cigar? We've found it most certainly is. Riddled with light refracting angles this tray compliments any & all surroundings by changing its appearance to match that which it sits on. Holding you cigar while you nip to the john's is almost a side feature. Durable and eye catching this design is definite winner for choice of a singular or personal cigar tray. 

Kind Regards


Product Info

Material: Trapezoide Crystal
Size: Length 15cm x Width 9cm x Height 4cm
Feature: Holds One Cigar